Sunday, June 17, 2007

Time to Spare

I tried to use the suggested Blogline but for some reason I could never get the system to e-mail me the confirmation information necessary to use it; therefore, I tried out GoogleReader instead. I don't know if there is an advantage of one over another.

I do have a question. I can see that the RSS alerts me when someone posts a new comment on a particular page of a "23 things" page, but does it alert me when you activate a link to a new page (e.g., Week 5's thing)? I guess I'll find out next time a new link is activated. If I am understanding all of this correctly, "23 things" is really a website rather than a blog; therefore, I would need to subscribe separately to the comments for each page to be alerted to new postings. Wonder if I've got it or not.

I appreciate having my own private place to put down my thoughts that can't be trompled by anyone else but I am also feeling kind of lonely in my blogspace. The comments are rare (I don't have the time to comment on everyone else's either). I would like to have a common blog "playground" where multiple authors could post entries. Would it be okay if I set something like that up?


Dr. Cooper said...

Hi Karen,
It is fun reading and interacting with all the others and their 23 Things blogs, but commenting on them all would be impossible unless you have a lot of time on your hands. The 23 Things "main" blog would be the perfect place for us all to congregate and comment. You are correct that you must subscribe to every individual post page. Although not all posts have comments. I usually only subscribe to the ones that might have lively discussions.

Christine Moore said...


Please consider Alisa's suggestion to use the 23 Things page (which is a blog) for common blogging - although I appreciate your interest in creating a common blog "playground" that is one role the comments area can take on. We can link to blog entries on individuals' blogspaces within comments so that we make specific references to other posts.

I think several of us (including myself) are so accustomed to discussion lists and threads that this Web 2.0 environment of sometimes disparate conversations & comments can feel a little too ... scattered.

Karen S. and I have talked about the pros and cons of relying on more familiar tools (like using an email distribution list) but want to encourage all of us to really use these newer forms of communication. It's a stretch - and I'm still feeling a little out of touch (and way behind, but that's not a Web 2.0 issue - it's a busy-mother personal thing in my case!).

Did you account alert you to the new posts? And an alert to the edits on the Welcome to 23 Things post? Karen S and I add links to each Thing's blog entry, so it should generate an alert for you (my Bloglines account does - and I'm sorry, btw, that Bloglines didn't work out for you).

Thanks so much for posting your questions and thoughts and suggestions. I feel I'm learning so much from participants like you!
